Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 3 - The Label

So with a new day comes a new attitude. I'm in a much better mood than I was yesterday. Thank you to everyone who left encouraging thoughts in response to my previous post.

As of today I still haven't heard anything from the hospital regarding my followup appointment with Oncology. I called a contact at the hospital and told her that I didn't really feel like time was on my side in this case and that I was going a bit stir crazy waiting for some word regarding my pending appointment. Hopefully that will yield some results.

In mail today came my bright shiny new Handicapped Placard. I was happy to receive it as long distance walking is still quite taxing on me. But I found it mildly disturbing to refer to my self as handicapped. All of a sudden the word takes on a new, slightly derogatory meaning. I can understand why people prefer to be referred to as disabled. I'd much rather be disabled than handicapped. In fact, there are a whole slue of labels I'd much rather have - disabled; other-abled; irregular; heck, even slightly damaged goods would be better than handicapped. Oh well, I guess I'll have to live with it.

I ran down to Lowes to get a blade for our mower and took my placard with me. The only thing stranger than being referred to as handicapped is actually using a handicapped parking space. I was so paranoid that everyone was looking at me and saying, "That guy doesn't really look handicapped." So, just to be sure, I shuffled along dragging on leg in a Verbal Kint sort of manner.

You all will know more when I know more.

Be well.



Tommy said...

Hey can I borrow that placard at Christmas time when I need to go to the mall?

Anonymous said...

I think you will have a lot of people who will want to take you Christmas shopping this year. -Melanie

Anna said...

Hi, it's Anna.
My mother, who has been severely disabled since I was twelve, calls herself "differently abled". Maybe this turn of phrase will help you...
much love from me & Dave