Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Hey all. This is the new home of Southern Transplant - the once in a while, when I feel like it, here's what's going on - ramblings of someone with way too much time on his hands. OK, maybe not that much time on my hands. At least, not as much as I would like. But you get the idea.

For those of you who are new to Southern Transplant (or who might have stumbled here accidentally,) this is my forum for both updating friends and family on my family's escapades as well as place for me to muse on life in the south from someone who spent the first forty years of his existence north of the Mason/Dixon Line. And yes, when I refer to the "north" or "northerners" I'm referring to the north east - a distinction that came to my attention earlier today (which is a story I will relate soon.)

In an attempt to get my writing back on track, I've decided to go this route. I'm hoping this format will be more conducive to my style - allowing me to post shorter ramblings more often rather than feeling like I "need" to come up with enough material to make an email worth wild. We'll see how it goes. Please, let me know what you think.

1 comment:

bekster said...

Welcome to blog world! Unlike Tommy, I am NOT a lurker. (I may even border on busy-body, but don't tell anyone.) Anyway, feel free to lurk on my blog too If you like.
